It is clear to anyone whose looking that the Obama administration has decided that the middle east is just too much trouble and he has decided to just pull out. It has been clear from the beginning of his administration that he felt that we really had no interest in that region. And, Donald Trump seems to agree with him. He proceeded to nullify all the gains, at the expense of American lives, that had been made before he took office. Whether you agree on our decision to topple the Iraq regime or not, the fact is, we were there and after a lot of effort had accomplished a great deal in pacifying the insurgents and making the country safe for it's citizens. Obama almost immediately started pulling our troops out of the region and left an unstable situation that just invited the Taliban and ISSIL to emerge again. You see what that has got us.
Lately, the nuclear deal with Iran and the move of the Russian/Iranian coalition into Syria is the latest and most damaging of his many moves in that direction. He has stated that we should let the Russians deal with that quagmire, he didn't want to. Our position has resulted in our few allies, especially Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Jordan, in the middle east being very worried. They see the threat of the Iranians desiring to create a new Persian Empire. Of course Israel sees real danger ahead.
The net result of this administration's foreign policy will be the creation of an Islamic coalition dominated by Russia and Iran. That will leave Israel surrounded by countries that are dedicated to their destruction.
Pity the poor President who inherits this mess from Obama. For as sure as God made little green apples, Iran and it's allies, with Russia's backing, will attack Israel. After all, they have vowed to wipe Israel from the map. Then what are we going to do? If we move in to help Israel by the use of our armed forces we will be in a confrontation with not only the whole Islamic world, but their Russian backers. Obama has left the next administration with a no win scenario. Of course if that administration is anything like Obama we will just write Israel off as a not worth the risk.
Obama, by abandoning our role in the world, may well have set up WWWIII. He will join the long list of starry eyed politicos that sought peace to avoid confrontation at any price, and believed the promises of the Stalins, Hitlers and their ilk. Now, Putin is joining that group. Remember Chamberlain and his conceding another countries territory to Hitler? Before that, France when they didn't challenge the Germans when they marched into the Rhineland? History has shown the appeasement never works with a dictator that is bent on expansion of his power. Nor does their promises mean anything.
Just look at what Putin has accomplished while Obama has been the world leader. He has taken over the Crimea and effectively done the same with eastern Ukraine with no real challenge from America. He has actively supported the Iranian build up of their atomic program. He has moved into Syria with planes and likely soon with troops ,along with Iran, in support of another repressive dictator. He has rapidly climbed to the position of real power in the middle east and his reach is still expanding. It's anybody's guess as to what more will happen under the Obama watch, but I don't think it's going to good for American interests.