If the dems are successful in holding their total caucus together and pass HR 01, the Republic as we know it will be dead. We will become a one party country. The opposition, i.e. the Republican Party will virtually cease to exist.
The Biden administration has literately opened the borders for a flood of illegals to enter the country. They look upon them as Democratic voters, and history shows that they are right, at least for a few generations. HR01 would allow anyone showing up to vote would be allowed, and no check on citizenship or legality would be allowed. So all those Mexicans and Central Americans crossing the border would become instant voters. And don't think for a moment that the Dems will not take advantage of that fact. HR01 would flood the country with ballots, with every person in the country getting one. As a lot of people will not vote anyway there is a bunch of ballots, measuring in the millions that is ripe for ballot harvesting. In addition signatures will not be checked or subject to verification on mail in ballots and unsigned ballots will be counted. If you can't see an open road to fraud in this bill you must have blinders on.
HR01 has already passed the house. If the Senate passes it Biden will certainly sign it. At that point the "loyal opposition" to the Dems will cease to have any meaningful voice in the affairs of government. We will become a one party nation. All one has to do is look at history to see what that means.