I watched the Presidential debates almost all the way through. It was really hard to do. But, here are a few observations I have on that debate.
First, it is clear to me that Biden came prepared for that debate and the President didn't. I think Trump believed his own hype and thought he could crush Biden by over powering him and making him mad. He thought that he could cause Biden to commit a couple of major mistakes. But, Biden didn't play along. He came in prepared with rehearsed sound bits that would could be played on CNN and the other media to his favor. No matter what the question, he had a small speech ready for airing, largely ignoring the question if it didn't suit him, and there were quite a few of those. Once, when asked a question he didn't want to answer, he launched into a speech on everybody should get out and vote. A sound bit that will play well in the media.
Trump didn't win a single undecided voters approval by his tactics. I have no doubt about that. He acted the part of a bully, constantly interrupting Biden. He was playing to his base, but I don't think that will get him elected. It was clear that even Fox news, generally friendlier to the President than the general media, was critical of his tactics. Of course, CNN, MSNBC and the larger media are having a field day.
It has been said that Trump is a great debater. That is far from the truth. In fact he is a poor debater, He had many opportunities to site his record on the economy, his strongest position, but wasted those opportunities by his usual personal attacks on Biden. The facts and figures were on his side, but he really didn't methodically go through the list.
On the virus questions he had many opportunities to site exactly what he actually done and the times he did them and methodically compare that record with Biden's own pronouncements at the same time. When he closed down travel from China. When he ordered the production of masks and ventilators. The steps he has taken to speed the development of a vaccine and the corresponding steps to make sure a supply of vaccine is rapidly available when one or more of the ones under trial now are approved. He has really nothing to be ashamed of on the the things he did, but he didn't hammer that point home. Instead, he attacked Biden.
In short, I think Biden actually won the debate, even though he didn't do all that well himself. Because of the bar being set so low by Trump himself, all Biden had to do was survive to win. I don't know whether a second debate will swing any voters at this stage. But, Trump had better be better prepared for it. I don't think he will. He is of the belief that the way he did it in 2016 will work again. Maybe it will. We'll see.