Thursday, May 18, 2023

What is a Woman?

 What is a woman? I know very well what a woman is. A woman is an adult human female. That is, she is no longer a child. I also know what a man is. A man is a human male that has reached the age of maturity. 

 Different societies at different times have varied a lot over when that age is reached, after all, the concept a teenager is relativity new. A few years ago there was no recognition of a period of development we call the teenage years. A person was a child and then they became an adult.

A woman, or female  is a person who carries the XX  chromosome set. A man, or male carries the XY chromosome set. There is no alternative. 

It is a necessary basic instinct that makes men and women attractive to each other. Without that basic instinct there would be no higher forms of life, at least as we know it. Every species that walks on the earth, crawls on it's belly, swims in the ocean or flies in the sky exhibits that same male/female attraction in one form of another. That is the way we propagate and the species endures. That is the norm.

There has always been a small percentage of humans, and maybe other species also, that do not share the common instincts that ensure the survival of the human race. That percentage seems to be somewhere between 2 to 10 percent of the population, depending on who is doing the counting. Something got off kilter in their emotional and mental make up that deviated from the norm. Any attempt to "straighten them out" has been, to say the least, unsuccessful. 

Different societies and different times have taken a far different views of that small group. In much of the world they would have been put to death when found out. In our own puritanical past a homosexual would have been shamed and pretty much cast out of society.  At other times and other cultures they were accepted as normal. It is likely that the whole Spartan City State readily accepted them, if you looked that the way they were structured. 

The wisdom today says that they are born that way and it's basic to their mental make up, i.e. it is their nature. That is fine and should not be punished in any way for that quirk in their beliefs. They are people just like the rest of us, some good, some bad and most in between. We know that some of our greatest artists in the theater, fine arts and entertainment are/were homosexuals. They hold positions in every walk of life from common laborers to board chairmen. Most people take the attitude that they can live their life the way they want too and make no stink about it. Many heterosexual people have friends and relatives that are homosexual.

But, lately there has arisen activism within a small minority of this group. This small minority of people want to take up a lot space in the alphabet and are trying to re-frame the narrative for all of us. If they constitute over 1% of the population I would be surprised. The problem is that the left leaning liberals among us are getting on the band wagon and joining them in their insanity. 

They want to change the language. They want to do away with the common pronoun he and she. They want to redefine what a woman and man is. The person who produces eggs and the person who produces sperm is their replacement for the terms woman and man. Isn't that a kicker. They want to make the definition of a man and woman be the name. But, the insanity doesn't stop there.

They want to, and have, succeeded in letting people with the XY chromosome compete against biological women with the obvious result. If this isn't nipped in the bud then they will destroy women's sports. Title IX will be just a memory. The people who run these sports are so afraid to be called homophobic that they don't step in and stop it. Women athletes who have publicly objected have been assaulted by liberals and called homophobes, Nazis, Hitler, racists and other less flattering names. 

They want to inject young children with sex altering drugs, even surgery, if they even suspect that they may fit the profile of a transsexual. Even when the child has no idea what that all means. That has, rightly, been called child molestation. If you object you are called homophobic. 

They want to and have, with the help of liberal educators, produced drag shows for very young students. They are striving to teach their version of sex education to very young kids in school. Kids that are too young to even understand what sex even means. 

And, to cap it off, they want to cut the parents out of the picture when it comes to their child's education. The government has helped them by putting parents who raise objections to what the school boards are doing on the FBI's domestic terrorists list. The teachers unions are in on this insanity and have stated emphatically that parents should have no say in their child's education.   

A man may think he would like to be a woman, or even thinks he's a woman, but he's a a man. The presence of the Y chromosome dictates that fact. He will have all the physical attributes that have been necessary for survival over the many thousands of years.  His legs are longer with respect to his torso helping him run faster. His lungs are larger. His upper body exhibits far more muscle mass and strength. His torso can take a lot more punishment and still function.  These skills were necessary for the species survival. He is made to be a hunter and a defender of the family, the clan or the tribe. He either could run fast, wield weapons and lift heavy objects or he, along with the whole species, die.

A woman may think she's a man but she is still a woman. The double X chromosomes assures that fact. She may want to be a man or thinks she really is a man but she isn't. Her body was made for child bearing. She can conceive and create another human being. She can nurse that young human in it's infancy. She has abundance of what may be called inner body strength. She endures.She has the characteristics because they are absolutely necessary for the survival of the species. We only exist because of a woman's characteristics.

You are  actually what your biology made you. Nothing can change that. Some men who have felt so strongly that they were born with the wrong body go so far as to have surgery performed along with injections of female hormones that transforms them into the appearance of a woman. That transformation does not make them into a true female. They can not do the things that define a woman. They cannot bear children. The cannot nurse a child. They fall into a unique category, that has been labeled as a transgender female. That does not give them the right to compete with true females in sports involving speed, strength and other physical activity. They still have all the advantages of a male. 

There, I've had my say. It may turn some peoples shorts in a knot. So?  

Monday, May 1, 2023

The War on Drugs

 The war on drugs has been long, highly financed, and generally a failure. 

The drug trade is governed by the same laws of supply and demand that as any other product. When the demand is high, and it seems it is, then there will people who will find a way to supply that demand. 

If the government decides that some product, for which there is a high demand, is illegal, then a black market will develop. We experienced that during prohibition when we outlawed the manufacture and sale of alcoholic beverages. The result was a rise in gangs that exploited the demand for beer and whiskey. That was the spur that created organized crime. There was just too much money involved.  

We tried the same tactics then that are being employed today to combat the flow of illegal drugs in to the country. We tried to go after the supply side of the trade. The feds tried to shut down the flow of spirits into the country. Indeed, they did make a lot of arrests. They displayed their haul for public consumption to show how successful they were being in shutting down the alcohol trade. But, what they managed to intercept was just a drop in the bucket to the massive flow of beer and whiskey.  The demand was just to great and the money just too good. 

Today we are engaged in "The War on Drugs", using the same tactics that were tried during prohibition. We are going after the supply side of the criminal activity. And, we're having about the same results. We capture some of the drugs, bust some of the drug gangs and lower bosses, but the drugs just keep on flowing in and the money keeps flowing into the syndicates that are supplying them. No matter what you do, the drugs will continue to flow as long as the demand remains high. 

One solution is simple to state, but likely impossible to implement. Shut off the demand. Clearly that is not going to happen any time soon although that would be the ideal solution. Drugs are highly addictive. But, the addict is not the only user. Some of the drugs appeal to a set of young people who use them for recreational purposes. They love the feeling they get. And then there is the set of users that are addicted to drugs as pain killers. They generally got hooked as a result of over use of pain killers originally prescribed by some doctor. If you really want to win the war on drugs this is where the emphasis should likely be. Cut off the demand or at least significantly reduce it. How you do that, I have no idea. It likely would take enormous amount of money and a concerted effort from a large number of people. How do you convince that college student that he or she shouldn't snort cocaine if they want to. After all that age group knows everything there is to know. And, they would never get hooked. It's just all for fun.

Another solution is to make the drug trade unprofitable by legalizing them. Make drugs regulated the same way we do alcohol. Some countries have done that without to many dour consequences. This approach has it's down side. If the repeal of prohibition is any indicator, legalizing narcotics would result in an increase in addition and all that implies in the public health arena. After all, people forget the prohibition really worked to a large extent. There was far less spousal abuse and public drunkenness during prohibition. Men were coming home with the paychecks instead of spending them in a bar.  Today's war on drugs has an effect of keeping a lot of people from trying narcotics for recreational uses, with the subsequent morphing into addiction, and pushing people into sometimes successful rehab programs.  

Of course a third option would hardly be tolerable to our neighbors down south. That would be to go after the drug cartels with all our military might. Literally invade Mexico. Send in the special forces including the Navy Seals, Army Rangers and any other elite group in our military, to wipe out the headquarters and personnel operating the cartels. That would not be a one time thing because even if all the drug cartels were wiped out with all it's leadership, we would have to maintain a presence. You can be assured that new cartels would arise. The money is just too great.

Something like 80 percent of the people in prison today are there because of some relation to the illegal drug trade. About 20% of them were under the influence of narcotics while committing a crime. Would this mean that the prisons would be emptied if drugs were legalized? I'm not sure what the result would be, likely a large number of the same people who were sent to prison for dealing or manufacturing illegal drugs would find some other way to break the law. That pipe line would dry up. The big money involved with drugs would disappear. But, there are lots of ways to make money by illegal means. Generally however, those methods don't effect to large population as does the drug trade. Human trafficking comes to mind. It's harder to smuggle humans around than it is drugs. But, that activity is already in place and flourishing.