Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Populism vs Globalism

 There is a conflict going on that is shaping America and it's future. It is the conflict between left leaning Globalism and right leaning Populism. What is Populism you ask, if you don't know and what is Globalism?

Globalism essentially looks at the world as one large entity. They are close to what has been called "One World Government" at least in an economic and social sense. 

They believe that the world is one big market and there should be no limit on the expansion into any market that promises to produce a profit. They preach that over time Globalism  produces the best products for the money and the people who are left behind will have to catch up, by retraining or otherwise, or fall off the tree. 

From a social standpoint they believe that the rich nations have an obligation to take care of the poor by opening borders and allowing free travel over the world. You see a lot of that in immigration policies, both in the USA and in Europe. I believe that is one of the reasons that Great Britain pulled out of the European Union. The British people didn't like the open border policies of the EU. The EU was firmly on the side of free immigration from war torn and poor nations. They immigrants are mostly Muslim and was not only changing the face European nations, but bringing in a lot of problems. The problem for the EU is that Islam harbors a huge number of adherents to the idea that nations should be ruled by Sharia Law. Some even to the extent of violent actions to enforce that belief.

What Populism means, at it's core,  is "of the people". Essentially it pits the people, the masses,  against the elites. Now, that can mean many things. For instance two candidates for president in 2016 were, in a broadest sense, running on Populist platforms, Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders, although I'm not sure they would label themselves as such. I'm not the only one who noticed that Trump and Sanders had some things in common than they wanted to admit, that is after you got over all the hoopla.  But, they were approaching "for the people" in entirely different directions. Bernie was basing his conception on a brand of socialism, while Donald, a devote capitalist, was defining "the people" as the forgotten workers in the factories, mines, farms and service industries, i.e. the blue collar worker. The workers that globalism has left behind and frankly screwed, as jobs and manufactured products went overseas at an astounding rate.

The brand of Populism practiced by Donald Trump and the new guard in the Republican Party is one that merged Populism with more or less conventional conservatism. It revolved around an "America First" approach as opposed to the Global mentality of the Democrat and Republican establishment. Populists believe that it is the first and primary duty of any government to protect and defend it's citizens. That means to protect not only militarily against foreign powers and terrorists but economically also. That it is NOT the roll of government to spend the citizens money on people from another country or it's governments, nor to open it's borders to anyone who wants in at the expense of its own people. 

If you are in congress, you can promote yourself as a great philanthropist when you're using other peoples money.

The Populist movement would ask several basic questions of anything brought up for consideration and implementation. Is it in the best interest of America as a nation, the American worker and the American citizen?  Will it harm the factory worker, the waitress at the local diner, the workers in the oil fields, the carpenter who builds our homes, the electrician who keeps us supplied with power and a host of other Americans who need jobs to support themselves and their families? Sometimes it is hard to tradeoff conflicting interests, as sometimes the interest of the nation in some way is not in the interest of some group of workers. But, the Populist would always come down on the side of its own citizens unless national security or something similar is at stake. That does not mean that the world should stop spinning and everything should come to a halt in terms of progress. Many of the jobs that exist today will go the way of the buggy whip makers, but that should be result of advancements in technology and economic decisions by the buying public. It should not be as a result of badly drafted trade agreements that gives foreign nations an advantage in the market place. 

 One might ask, why does big high tech and other corporations favor the Democrats? On the surface it shouldn't make sense. The Dems have traditionally been for taxing the big corporations and breaking them up. They strive for large social programs and are up front about taxing the "rich" to pay for them. They want to raise the Corporate Tax, Capital Gains Tax and the income tax rate for the larger wage earners. It would seem that corporate America and the Democrat Party were an anathema. 

I believe the answer is simple. Many of our large corporations, the NBA, Coca Cola, Delta Airlines, hi-tech companies, especially Google, Face Book and Apple to name a few,  are firmly committed to a global reach in their business dealings. They see China, especially, as a vast market to be tapped. Even if they have to operate under China's restrictive laws which is used to transfer American technology to them and their military as well as the suppression of any thing resembling free exchange of ideas. So what if the Chinese communists are one of the most restrictive governments on the globe and threatens the United States both economically and militarily. They see that huge market and lick their chops over the profit that is to be made. As a result, they will turn their backs on the abuses that the Chinese government heaps on the heads of some of it's own people. 

It is a known fact that the Chinese government is committing genocide against the Uighur, a Muslim population of about 12 million living in North West China. They are held in secretive internment camps without any legal process.  Hundreds of thousands of children have been separated from their parents. Thousands of masques have been destroyed. Forced sterilization is practiced along with forced labor.  It is interesting that some of our leading companies demanded that the All Star game be removed from Atlanta because they passed a law that required the voters have ID while at the same time embracing China. It is clear that greed will overcome morality. Of course the strange thing is that the game was moved to a state that has existing voting laws similar to Georgia.

Is unlimited immigration good for America and is it good for the American worker? I think you could find a few liberals who would argue that it is good for America, kind of fuzzy headed thinking typical of the liberal, but I doubt you could find very many who would contend that mass immigration is good for the average American or for the American worker. They base their arguments strictly along humanitarian lines and state that we have an obligation to take care of the downtrodden of the world. Of course, the real reason is that they see waves of Democrat voters coming across the border. 

Large scale immigration of unskilled labor will certainly depress wages, especially at the low end of the ladder, strain our education system, put a burden on the taxpayer for welfare, place a greater load on the health system just to name a few problems.  It is said that the immigrates will do what the US citizen will not. That is a lot of hooey? All that means is the immigrants will work at the job for less than an American would demand. 

 So to the Populist, it doesn't pass the smell test. The Populist would want to control our borders and regulate who is to be admitted into the country, based  on the countries needs and the immigrants ability to contribute, or their legitimate fear of repression in their country of origin. In other words the American citizen comes first.  

Would signing a trade agreement with China giving them favored trading partner status good for America, the American people and the American worker?  Is it good for the companies the move overseas, especially to China, to manufacture their products? They could get it a little cheaper, because of much cheaper labor.  Today because a globalist approach, almost everything that Americans wear or use is made in China or some other foreign country with cheap labor. The great manufacturing centers of the Midwest have largely disappeared and the area has become the rust belt. That IPad that everybody loves so much is made in China, as is almost everything electronic you have. Look at your washing machine, your refrigerator and all your small appliances. They are almost all made in a foreign country, mostly China. Google and other high tech companies trade advanced technology to China for the right to expand and operate in that country. 

We found out, at the beginning of the Corona virus outbreak,  to our horror, that China made almost all of the drugs we use. And, the few that are made here get their ingredients from China. We had exported our very health care to a foreign country. And not to just any foreign country, but one that is the enemy of the United States. Lets face it a new cold war is rapidly developing, if it has not already begun, with China at it's center. A Populist would say no. That must be corrected.

There is no argument that trade is essential to a prosperous society, but the trade deals should not leave America and the American worker on the short end of the stick. Trump then successfully renegotiated the trade agreements with Mexico and Canada to produce a much more balanced approach the trade. 

Is shutting down the pipeline from Canada and  stopping oil drilling in the US a good thing for America while at the same time lifting sanctions that allowed the oil pipe line from Russia to Germany to continue? Was this just the lefts knee jerk reaction to cancelling anything Donald Trump did or it just a nod to the extreme environmentalists that preach global catastrophic due to fossil fuels This in spite of the fact that we will still need the fossil fuels to operate our society and it will have to be imported from countries that drill for oil and produces it with much less environmental regulations than in this country. So there is no net gain, in fact a loss, in their battle to reduce carbon emissions. In the mean time thousands of American workers are thrown out of jobs with no place to go. And, to make matters worse, we are again making ourselves dependent on foreign powers for our sources of energy. 

Nothing will happen on that front of any significance until China, India, Russia and the African nations get on board. That is not happening. And, is not likely to happen in the near future. Fossil fuels still, and in the foreseeable future, provides that cheapest form of energy.

The Populist would strive for American energy independence and the jobs that creating and working in that field brings to the American worker. Let the market place decide what form of energy we will use in the future. 

The Populist would be for a strong military. After all, the first requirement of government is to protect its citizens from aggressive acts from outside forces. That includes not only the overt threat posed by China and Russia, but the terrorist threat from all sources. 

There is more that could be said, but the idea is that the Populist would first and foremost take an "American First" stand on any relationship that develops. We do what is good for America and the American worker, even if the Globalists disagree, and they often will.   




Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Biden, Less Than Truthful

 I think this is worth forwarding along. Make of it what you will. But, it does show something about the duplicity surrounding Biden.

Here’s a fact-check of Biden’s first prime-time White House address.

March 11, 2021

President Biden, in a prime-time address on Thursday night, exaggerated elements of the coronavirus pandemic along with his, and his predecessor’s, response to it. Here’s a fact-check.

What Mr. Biden Said

“A year ago we were hit with a virus that was met with silence and spread unchecked, denials for days, weeks, then months.”

This is exaggerated. It is true that President Donald J. Trump downplayed the severity of the coronavirus pandemic for months. But he was not exactly silent and did not fail to respond completely. One year ago, on March 12, 2020, Mr. Trump delivered an address from the Oval Office acknowledging the threat and announced new travel restrictions on much of Europe.

What Mr. Biden Said

“As of now, total deaths in America, 527,726. That’s more deaths than in World War I, World War II, the Vietnam War and 9/11 combined.”


Continue reading the main story

This is exaggerated. According to estimates from the Department of Veterans Affairs, a total of 392,393 died in combat in those three wars. Combined with the 2,977 people who died in the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, that figure would be indeed smaller than the coronavirus death toll Mr. Biden cited. It would also be lower than the 529,000 death figure tracked by The New York Times. But factoring in deaths that occurred in service but outside of combat, the toll from the three wars (more than 610,000) would be higher than the current total number of virus-related deaths Mr. Biden claimed.

What Mr. Biden Said

“Two months ago this country didn’t have nearly enough vaccine supply to vaccinate all or anywhere near all of the American public. But soon we will.”

This is misleading. By the end of last year, the Trump administration had ordered at least 800 million vaccine doses that were expected for delivery by July 31, 2021, the Government Accountability Office reported. That included vaccines undergoing clinical trials as well as those not yet approved by the Food and Drug Administration. According to Kaiser Health News, that would have been enough to vaccinate 200 million people with authorized vaccines, and more than enough for 400 million once all the vaccines were cleared for use. The current U.S. population is roughly 330 million. And, contrary to Mr. Biden’s suggestions, both administrations deserve credit for the current state of the vaccine supply.

What Mr. Biden Said

“When I took office 50 days ago, only 8 percent of Americans after months, only 8 percent of those over the age of 65 had gotten their first vaccination. Today, that number is 65 percent.”

This is misleading. When Mr. Biden took office on Jan. 20, the vaccination effort had just begun, after the F.D.A. authorized Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine for emergency use in mid-December.

Continue reading the main story

Moreover, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that people between ages 65 and 74 receive the vaccine only after it has been administered to health care workers, residents of long-term care facilities, front line essential workers and people over the age of 75.

It’s also worth noting that about 62.4 percent of people over 65 have received one vaccine dose, but just 32.2 percent are fully vaccinated, according to the C.D.C.

Linda Qiu is a fact-check reporter, based in Washington. She came to The Times in 2017 from the fact-checking service PolitiFact. @ylindaqiu.


Sunday, May 16, 2021

operation warp speed


  A press release in 2020 detailing the Trump plan to create and distribute a vaccine for the Corona Virus. 

Sunday, April 18, 2021

The Dems and Racism

It seems, according to the Democrats, that blacks are either too stupid, ignorant, or lazy to be able to obtain a valid ID of any kind. Whites, on the other hand, do it quite easily. Ergo, we have to change the election laws so that no valid ID is required to vote because a valid ID can only be obtained by non-blacks.

  If that isn't a racist attitude, I guess I don't know what is. From what I have been able to glean from reading and from TV, it would seem that African-Americans are just as likely to have ID on their person as whites, in some areas, even more likely.  After all you need a valid ID to do almost anything these days. You don't get a job, fly on a plane, cash a check, open a charge account or do many other things without one.

So Delta Airlines, Coca Cola and MLB all objected to the new Georgia lay that required an ID to vote. Let us contemplate. Both Delta and Coke have tight ties to China, which practices sever discrimination against Muslims and anyone else objecting to their brand of socialism. Delta and Coke are not objecting to that little fact. MLB moved it's All Star game to Denver, which has Voter ID requirements. The thing that MLB objected to. 

Even the President jumped on the bandwagon of the left and pronounced that Georgia was closing the polls at 5:00 O'clock. He opined that the Georgia election laws were tantamount to Jim Crow  acts. I don't know where he got his information, but Georgia polling places are open from 7:00 O'clock AM to 7:00 O'clock PM. And Georgia is only one of about 30 states that require voter ID. 

All Georgia did was tried to assure that people who voted are indeed citizens and are legal to vote. The Dems don't like that. They want to be able to stuff ballot boxes, have illegals vote, vote dead people, people who have moved out of the state and generally make sure that the Dems won.

To further that end, they have introduced HR01which just about removes every chance the states have to assure that only legal residents vote. They control both houses of Congress, so if they want, they can push this bill through. As I remarked in an earlier Blog, I think we are possibly witnessing the death of the Republic.


Saturday, April 3, 2021

The Frog and the Cooking pot

There is an old story that tells of the frog being put into a cooking pot. It says that if you put the frog into the pot when the water is hot the frog will jump out quickly. But, if you put the frog in the water when the water is cold and then very gradually warm the water, the frog will never notice the change until it is too late and the frog is cooked.

Personal freedom is sort of like that frog. If the government takes away the public's freedoms in one fell swoop, they would rebel. But, if you whittle away those freedoms a little bit at a time, they will never notice that it's all gone until it's too late.

The main excuse government uses to infringe upon those freedoms is in the name of security, health or some other reason that is touted to be good for them. By it's very nature each step to increase restrictions, for any reason, removes a little bit of freedom. We have seen it in travel restrictions, first due to fear of terrorism and lately due to the Corona Virus. 

Apparently the public is willing to give up some freedoms in order to feel good. But, at other times the restrictions are imposed by the government without the public's consent and the public puts up with it because they have no choice, such as the closing down of businesses and any other gathering, due to the virus. 

The restrictions on gun ownership are another clear example. Over time, the restrictions on the ownership on guns has become more and more restrictive. Every time some nut opens up with a gun on more that a few people, the shout goes out to ban some kind of gun.  Even though, in hindsight, it has been shown that none of the laws being considered would have interfered with the assault. 

There is a move, now active, that brands any kind of speech against liberal orthodoxy as hate speech. Universities have decided that such speech will not be allowed except in areas that are designed "Safe Zones". 

And the beat goes on. 

The thing to contemplate is that once freedoms are taken away, they are seldom returned. 


Thursday, March 25, 2021

Once Upon A Time, A Fairy Tale

Once upon a time in a galaxy far far away there was a new federation born out of controversy over the right of a  people to determine their own destiny. .

The Britainburg Empire was only one of several large Empires that were close to each other on one side of the Galaxy. The Frankenvile Empire and the Spainentine Empire were only a few light years from Britainburg and each other and it seems that they were almost constantly in conflict. But, the Britainburg Empire basically ruled space. Their fleets were numerous and strong. Their armies were the best in the sector and a had beaten the other two great Empires several times in engagements. They all had colony worlds that they ruled over with Britainburg being the largest and most extensive colonial power.

On the other side of the Galaxy thousands of light years away, there were a cluster of worlds with stars that had very lush and habitable planets that had only been discovered by the core worlds a few hundred years before. This whole group of worlds would be called the Ameers. These worlds were rich in natural resources and were inhabited only with a primitive peoples that offered little serious resistance to the acquisition by the three great empires and their advanced technology. They carved up the newly discovered worlds and proceeded to exploit the natural resources of these worlds for their own benefit, shoving the native peoples aside when it was inconvenient. 

Thirteen of these colony worlds were really close to each other, only a few light years apart, and from the beginning were controlled and colonized by people primarily from Empire of Britainburg. They spoke the same language and still believed that they were citizens of their mother world and should enjoy the same privileges that any Britainburg citizen enjoyed.

But, the Empire ruled them from the other side of the galaxy and had little or no sense of the conditions that faced those who they ruled. They levied restrictions on the people of the young worlds and exacted taxes on them without any consultation. Britainburg had just fought a war with Frankenville along with some of the natives in that world, involving the control of these thirteen colony worlds and expected the colonies to help pay for the war so the mother empire levied a tax on them. Among other things that had happened, it was another example of taxation imposed on the colony worlds without any say so by the colonists. A growing resentment toward the mother world began to grow and finally escalated into a desire for complete independence. A war for independence broke out as a result.

 These people rebelled against the Empire and at a terrific cost in blood from the patriots that fought in that revolt and against all odds, they won their independence.

At the end of the war of independence the thirteen worlds knew that they had a hard time being successful if each continued alone. They needed to form some kind of a stronger alliance with each other in order to survive. After all, they had acted together to gain their independence. They knew that the world was a dangerous place and unless they united somehow they might not survive. They had previously came together and formed a weaker alliance but it was not working. A convention of the thirteen worlds were convened to see if they could hammer out an agreement for a new, stronger, federation of some kind.

Having just been though a terrible experience with a big and powerful empire, they understood quite well the evils that big governments, with it's almost unlimited powers, could exert on the common citizen. They decided that they should form a new federation that would represent the various worlds and their people. They decided on a Republic and they wrote a Constitution that clearly limited the power of that Republic so that it could not arise and become tyrannical. The smaller worlds rightly feared that the big industrial worlds would ending up dominating the new federation, crushing any needs that they had in order to further their own agenda. The interests of the smaller worlds would not even be considered. A compromise was reached. They would form two houses of parliament, one, called Commons, representing the people of the individual districts in the various worlds and with it's numbers apportioned as such, the other, Piers, representing each unique world with two of representatives from each world.  It was decided that the leader of the federation, The Chairman, would serve for a period of 6 years and they would be elected by delegates from the various worlds numbering exactly the sum of the number of members of Commons plus the two members of Piers that each state had. Using this method the small, less populated worlds, would not be crushed by the big, populous worlds. The small worlds would have an equal say in the government of the federation in the house of Piers and their voices would have significance in the election of the Chairman of the United Federation of Planets. 

In that Constitution they enunciated rights that the citizen would have to deter the new United Federation of Planets from grabbing for power over the common people.  So the agreement among them, written into the document, was the provision that any power that was not specifically awarded to the Federation and written into the agreed upon Constitution, would be retained by the individual worlds. It was also agreed that the rights of the people delineated in the Constitution were to be retained over the entire new federation and the independent states could not impinge upon those rights. These rights included the right to speak openly, that the Federation would not impose a state religion, that the press shall be free and that the citizens can gather in assembly and to seek redress from the government. They feared government tyranny and for other reasons made a provision that the citizen's right to own and bear arms should not be infringed.  

The new Constitution contained a lot of compromises that would later be changed by a process of amendments. But, each of the worlds had unique sets of positions that they would not compromise on. They felt that that their very existence depended on maintaining certain conditions in  their society, as it had been before the war for independence. Either those conditions would be allowed to continue or there would be no new Federation. 

They had a Constitution and a model for a working federation. The question arose of where to place the  Capitol of this new Republic. The delegates to the convention were well read men and women who knew history and were well aware of what would happen to the population of such a capitol. As the Federation grew, and they were sure it would, the capitol city would become a town almost completely populated by bureaucrats and civil servants feeding at the public trough. They knew that the citizens of that city would demand and be able to influence policy through elected members of commons and two Piers of the congress. They could not allow such a insular society to dominate a particular state and bring it's skewed politics into the main stream. They knew what such a city would become. They decided that the Capitol of the new Federation of Plants would be set up apart from the other worlds and would managed directly by the congress and the Federal government. It would not have a voting representation in the congress. It turned out that the star system of Maryburg had a unique situation. It had two planets in the Goldy Locks zone, one of which was a water planet with only a land mass big enough for a large city. It also had a lot of marshland. Maryburg would cede this planet to the Federation of Planets as it was of little use to them. So the new capitol of the United Federation of Planets was established and was named Washtown, after the great general that led the army that won the revolutionary war.

The new Federation prospered, folding in more worlds until it encompassed vast a region of space of over 48 worlds. It had its economic ups and downs but it always recovered stronger than before. One administration after another respected the written constitution and did not infringe on the rights of the people to conduct their affairs as they saw fit, within limits. This spawned a new breed of independent thinkers who proceeded to revolutionize the world with new thoughts and new inventions. Because the central government did not interfere, whole new industries were founded that were the envy of the galaxy. New forms of manufacturing were developed that brought the cost of products down so much that every average citizen could afford to obtain them. The freedom to develop, to build and to market their products, spawned a growth in wealth like the world had never seen. 

Time brought great leaps in technology. The discovery of new portals and the ability to create new ones caused the time to travel among the Federation worlds, and even the whole galaxy,  from a matter of days or even weeks and months, to just a few hours. Communications improved to such an extent that on one side of galaxy could talk to another in real time.

Because each citizen could speak his mind without retribution, new ideas flourished in politics.  Some these ideas that resulted in changes to the Constitution to address problems due to the compromises that were necessary in the beginning. This new Federation fought some major and minor wars, some justified and some not so much, but assumed to be in the Federations best interest. It emerged as the dominate power in the galaxy. And, it never lost it's core beliefs, that individual initiative and the rights of each person was important to the whole. We were not a collective, we were a federation of free peoples. 

Due to happenstance of geography and space peculiarities a few of the star systems were blessed with portals through space connecting to a large number of other systems, not enjoyed by most of the worlds who had only limited portals to each other. That let them become the hub of trading activity and as a result they bathed in vast wealth and attracted large numbers of people to work in those fields. Another side effect is that they would become the centers of finance for the whole Federation. Commerce and money flowed through their hands. Their interests became more and more at odds with those in the middle of Ameer cluster. This would cause great friction later.

Then, along the way, because of some events, the Federation decided that it had to step in and "help" the people because the economy had taken a down turn and things weren't going to well at the moment. The Federation had been in these kinds of troubles before and the basic system of free enterprise pulled it right out.  But, the die was cast. Every glitch in the road would trigger a Federal response. The people started looking for a safety net to cushion almost any bad event that happened in the economy . The people began to ask the Federation for more and more help for everything. The idea of "Free" began to permeate the thinking of many citizens. Free medical care, free education all the way through university, free food for any one under a certain level of income, free help with mortgages if the burden became too great and on it went. The idea of individual initiative was dying on the vine, as the central Federation supplied the citizens with circus, games and bread. Some citizens were starting to spend their entire lives living off the Federation with no incentive to provide for themselves or to contribute to society. Vast bureaucracies grew to regulate everything. Political parties began to fight more and more. The Federal central government continued to grow as more and more demands were made.

One political party, The Blues,  heavily financed by the huge mega corporations, the entertainment industry and backed by academia,  promised more bread and games for the people and slowly rose to power. The other major party, The Reds, were trying to maintain the hold on individual initiative and freedom of actions at it's core. The Reds were heavily supported by the population outside the big cities. As a consequence they held sway in all the worlds except the few where the big populations were centered. The emerging party began to use tactics to silence any dissent. They branded any one who disagreed with them as traitors and treasonous. They shouted down any voice that tried to speak in opposition to their ideas. No one of the Red party were invited to speak at a public university and they were shouted down if they tried to speak if a  private college invited them. The Blues began to dominate the education system which was run by idealists with almost a total lack of knowledge or experience in the real world. They turned out a bunch of young people indoctrinated into the idea that working as a collective was the right way to go and that society had an obligation to not only take care of everyone with more bread and games, but to invite more immigrants into the Federation to enjoy the bread and games that were provided.

They then made moves, such as admitting Washtown and it's biased votes as states, which put them firmly in control of the government and began to slowly but surely to outlaw any other political party or idea except theirs and to squash any dissenting ideas. They formed a working alliance with big media conglomerates so they were able to censor any idea from getting widespread distribution that might upset the work they were about. They began to shut down any news media that didn't agree with their point of view. The colleges and universities began to turn out more and more graduates who thought as they do and who would become the future bureaucrats and politicians that would run the country. 

At the same time the taxpaying labor force was drying up. The Federation was so successful economically that the demand for higher wages among the workers resulted in increased cost for products. Then the owners and managers found that they could export the manufacturing of their products to systems outside of the Federation and even with transportation costs, offer their product cheaper to the consumer at a lower cost. The Federations work force was consequently reduced. In addition, the manufacturing of products still made within the Federation was being more and more automated causing an even greater reduction in the work force and it's corresponding tax base. This resulted in a government with huge expenses trying to make everything free and a shrinking work force to pay the taxes. Taxes had to raised to pay for all of this. But there was not enough money to pay for all the perks that were being handed out by the Federation.

In order to placate their supporters they borrowed more and more money from the public treasury until the debt became the biggest drain on the taxpayers of the federation. All the games and bread for the masses, which was now a large part of the total population, had to be reduced in order to service the public debt. Printing money in vast amounts let to unsustainable inflation. 

They reduced the military to a skeleton crew despite of the rise of two other dictatorial empires that were a direct threat to the Federation, The Chen and The Russes. The Chen especially had a huge military force and was dedicated to spreading their brand over the entire galaxy.  

Riots in the streets became common as the masses objected to cutbacks on their free stuff as they considered it their right. In order to control the riots the federation became more and more a police state. The politicians decided that the experienced people who were now in office should be retained to deal with the unrest and instability that was rocking the Federation. Individual initiative was squashed to make sure no one excelled in a superior way and that everyone was equal. 

The Federation finally became a one party system with all opposition declared illegal and subject to arrest. All the freedoms promised in the Constitution were washed aside. Assembly to address the government for redress were illegal, all weapons were confiscated and owning one was forbidden, all media had to toe the party line and speaking openly in opposition to government policy was a criminal act. The United Federations of Planets was now a total dictatorship. 

Reminder; this is a fairy tale and any resemblance to any persons or events, past or present, is purely coincidental. 


Sunday, March 14, 2021

The death of the Republic

If the dems are successful in holding their total caucus together and pass HR 01, the Republic as we know it will be dead. We will become a one party country. The opposition, i.e. the Republican Party will virtually cease to exist. 

The Biden administration has literately opened the borders for a flood of illegals to enter the country. They look upon them as Democratic voters, and history shows that they are right, at least for a few generations. HR01 would allow anyone showing up to vote would be allowed, and no check on citizenship or legality would be allowed. So all those Mexicans and Central Americans crossing the border would become instant voters. And don't think for a moment that the Dems will not take advantage of that fact. HR01 would flood the country with ballots, with every person in the country getting one. As a lot of people will not vote anyway there is a bunch of ballots, measuring in the millions that is ripe for ballot harvesting. In addition signatures will not be checked or subject to verification on mail in ballots and unsigned ballots will be counted. If you can't see an open road to fraud in this bill you must have blinders on.

HR01 has already passed the house. If the Senate passes it Biden will certainly sign it. At that point the "loyal opposition" to the Dems will cease to have any meaningful voice in the affairs of government. We will become a one party nation. All one has to do is look at history to see what that means.  

Saturday, January 16, 2021

A Country Divided

 Is the current conflict gripping the news media really the worst situation that has confronted the country? To hear the media's talking heads you would think so. But, all it takes is a little search back into history to realize that this country has almost been in a constant state of conflict and divided loyalties since it's beginning. About the only time we have been close to a totally unified nation in thought is during times of great conflict with a foreign power, i.e. WWII.

Just contemplate the beginning of the country. The Revolutionary War was not fought because we had acrimonious relations between those who wanted to remain loyal to the British crown, the  Tories, and those that wanted American independence. The country was deeply divided and were killing each other over that issue.

It wasn't long after the Revolution that the British incensed the President, Madison, so much that he was moved to ask the congress to declare war against them. But, the country was deeply divided over that decision. It became known in America as the War of 1812.

From Wikipedia: I don't mind plagiarizing. 

Opposition to the War of 1812 was widespread in the United States, especially in New England. Many New Englanders opposed the conflict on political, economic, and religious grounds. When the Embargo Act of 1807 failed to remedy the situation with the United Kingdom, with Britain refusing to rescind the Orders in Council (1807) and the French continuing their decrees, certain Democratic-Republicans known as war hawks felt compelled to persuade the United States government to declare war on the British. A number of contemporaries called it, "The second war for independence." Henry Clay and John Calhoun pushed a declaration of war through Congress, stressing the need to uphold American honor and independence. Speaking of the impact of the depressed cotton trade upon his fellow Southerners, Calhoun told Congress that:

They see, in the low price of their produce, the hand of foreign injustice; they know well without the market to the continent, the deep and steady current of supply will glut that of Great Britain; they are not prepared for the colonial state to which again that Power [Great Britain] is endeavoring to reduce us. The manly spirit of that section of our country will not submit to be regulated by any foreign Power. 

Vehement protests against "Mr. Madison's War" erupted in those parts of the country where the opposition party, the Federalists, held sway, especially in Connecticut and Massachusetts. The governors of these two states, along with Rhode Island, refused to place their state militias under federal control for duty outside the territory of their respective states. In the ensuing 1812 and 1813 United States House of Representatives elections, some members of Congress who voted for the war paid the price. Eight sitting New England congressmen were rejected by the voters, and several others saw the writing on the wall and declined to seek re-election. There was a complete turnover of the New Hampshire delegation.

The conflict over the question of slavery, a continual conflict until the Civil War settled it, and it's expansion was never more evident than the sentiments surrounding the Mexican-American War.

Again, a plagiarism from Wikipedia: 

Opposition to the war

Abraham      Lincoln in his late 30s as a Whig member of the U.S. House of Representatives, when he opposed the Mexican–American War.
Ex-slave and prominent anti-slavery advocate Frederick Douglass opposed the Mexican–American War.
Henry David Thoreau spent a night in jail for not paying poll taxes to support the war and later wrote Civil Disobedience.

In the United States, increasingly divided by sectional rivalry, the war was a partisan issue and an essential element in the origins of the American Civil War. Most Whigs in the North and South opposed it; most Democrats supported it. Southern Democrats, animated by a popular belief in Manifest Destiny, supported it in hope of adding slave-owning territory to the South and avoiding being outnumbered by the faster-growing North. John L. O'Sullivan, editor of the Democratic Review, coined this phrase in its context, stating that it must be "our manifest destiny to overspread the continent allotted by Providence for the free development of our yearly multiplying millions."

Now we come to the greatest conflict that happened on American soil since the Revolution. The American war between the states, otherwise known as the Civil War. The conflict of opinions about two major issues drove the people to kill each other by the hundreds of thousands. One was overriding the issue of slavery and the other one of the sovereignty of the individual states and their right to succeed from the union. The conclusion of that war is well known and it's aftermath existed in large measure until the civil rights movement in the 50's and even beyond.

Following the Civil War the southern states enacted a whole series of laws and other restrictions to prevent blacks from participating in the political process or even to gain a little prosperity. If you think that the black population enjoyed that status you haven't been aware of history. From the end of the Civil War for the next hundred years the arguments over the rights of non-white citizens was continually a source of conflict. Lynchings, rapes, murder and beatings were common to the southern blacks during this time, largely out of the sight of middle class white Americans.

Then came the Great War. The War To End All
Wars. Otherwise known as World War One

There was significant opposition to that war among the American people, especially in the beginning. The Hearst news syndicate pushed for the war with every means at their disposal and was instrumental in turning a great number of people's minds. However, there was still opposition to the war after our entry into it. Draconian measures were instituted to silence that opposition.

Many countries jailed those who spoke out against the conflict. These included Eugene Debs in the United States and Bertrand Russell in Britain. In the US, the Espionage Act of 1917 and Sedition Act of 1918 made it a federal crime to oppose military recruitment or make any statements deemed "disloyal". Publications at all critical of the government were removed from circulation by postal censors, and many served long prison sentences for statements of fact deemed unpatriotic.

Of course that war had major consequences in much of the world. The only major country Monarchy left standing after that war was that of Britain. Germany, Austria and Russia all fell to the consequences of that war. 

Leading up to World War II the mood of the country was clearly antiwar. There were rallies and marches to support that desire. Lindbergh was an outspoken antiwar advocate. Of course all that came to an end with Pearl Harbor. That brought the country together like no time in history. One goal, to win that war. 

Now comes the rise of of what has been tagged the radical left. This group calls themselves liberals, but they are far from classic liberalism. To the classic liberal the foundation of free speech, exercise of one's religion, and a free unbiased press are bedrocks of their belief system. The classical liberal would defend the right enunciated by Hamilton who said "I might not agree with what you say, but I will defend with my life your right to say it". 

On the contrary they have infiltrated our schools, especially our universities, and have preached the virtue of socialism and determined that anyone not getting on board is to be silenced. They have taken that mandate to heart. While socialists are invited to speak on campus, conservatives are shouted down if they try to speak, but mostly they aren't invited.

The political landscape in Washington ever since the end of World War II has been decidedly globalist. We have negotiated trade agreements with foreign nations much to our detriment. We almost single handed built China into a global super power and an unrelenting enemy. We have exported our technology to them and imported their goods in huge amounts. Almost every thing you use, wear or come in contact with is made in China. We firmly believed that all that was important was trade and importing goods at the best possible price. In the process we have run up a huge trade deficit with China. While American companies are not allowed to build in China without controlling interest being Chinese, they can and do build and buy American real estate at will. In addition the subject of the environment has become central to the thinking of the left wing. Oil was to be phased out, coal mines and factories closed, all in the name of the environment.  As result we exported vast number of American jobs overseas and created what has become known as the rust belt in the USA. We abandoned the core citizen that built this country, the blue collar working class. We closed the coal mines and prevented the country from drilling for oil or even harvesting the oil that we knew was there. We allowed immigrants to cross the border and fill the low paying jobs that at one time would have been filled as the entry jobs for young citizens. Of course with the flood of immigrants across our borders came criminals, drugs and other bad things. 

Then along came Trump. He tapped into the frustration of the forgotten masses and vowed to bring the jobs back to America. He vowed to close the borders to illegals, bring manufacturing back to the country, open the oil fields and coal mines and strengthen our military. He preached America first. He vowed to renegotiate trade agreements that favored foreign counties and make the members of NATO pay the share of expenses that the agreement said they should. NATO was almost completely funded by the USA. The only problem was that Trump has an abrasive personality and rubs a lot of  people the wrong way, especially the elite in Washington. 

Of course what Trump was preaching was heresy to the left. He was a real danger to everything they had invested in. The high tech companies of Silicon Valley, the big retailers, academia and of course the Hollywood crowd lined up against him. So, they went after him in a big way. He was elected as President and that just ramped up the opposition to him and his programs.

He then presided over one of the greatest economic booms in the history of our country. He got tax cuts and took a machete to regulations that were hampering industrial growth. Unemployment fell to all time lows, especially among blacks and other minorities. The stock market was at 19000 when he took office and now it has surpassed 30000 just four years later. 

The left dominates the media and the civil service in Washington, including the Justice Department. That is not surprising considering that they have unionized and negotiated fat salary, benefits and retirement packages for themselves. They don't want that to end. They like the power they have in Washington.

 The top FBI and DPJ officials made it their priority to get rid of him starting during the campaign and following through into his Presidency. They went after him with trumped up charges and allegations with no evidence in support. A document generated by the Clinton campaign was used as a pretext to get a FISA warrant for phone tapping and other surveillance against Trump and his associates. A special commission was formed and spent millions of dollars and over a year of time trying to find some crime in the election that Trump had committed. They found none. The Democrat run house went so far as to pass articles of impeachment, based on nothing more than they didn't like him. He underwent 4 years of opposition from almost all the media including the NY Times, CNN, MSNBC and all the social media platforms. The state of NY opened it's own investigation hoping to find something to charge him with. They went after his income tax records hoping to find fraud or something to get him with. 

During this time several actual and perceived incidents happened concerning police exerting excessive force against blacks including murder. Some were legitimate, some were not. Trump was a strong backer of law enforcement and did not immediately jump on the band wagon and condemn the whole police force for the actions of a few. He fought back against the defund the police movement that started to rise. A rift between the police and the black and liberal community widened to new heights.  

Ant-police and Anti Trump protests sprung up in cities that were run by Democrats that turned violent. Stores were burned and looted. Police were attacked and even killed. The Democratic Mayors of these large cities did nothing about it. Declaring that this was all Trump's fault. The mainstream media downplayed the violence and pronounced that the protests were peaceful and that any violence was the fault of the police or Trump or both. And, the protests were justified, even the small amount of violence because Trump and the police were such a bad guys.

His millions of supporters saw what was going on. They aren't stupid. Trump lashed out at the news media and the Democrat Mayors and Governors because of their bias. He sent federal officers in to prevent damage to federal property and was severely criticized by the media for creating a police state. So a divide started in the country. On one side were the Globalist left dominated Democrats and even a few Republicans and on the other side the blue collar Populist Trump supporters. 

Trump attacked the press calling them fake news organizations, which really wasn't very smart, whether true of not. That made the media even more determined to get rid of him. He had a bad habit of not letting anything pass that he perceived as an insult. He lashed out on Twitter and in person. He wasn't bashful about hurling insults at any body who displeased him. He dominated the news cycle, especially those of cable news. He also was not always as fully truthful as he might have been, that led to the charges of lying by the media, who fact checked every statement he made and made much of any exaggeration or misstatement. 

The hostility between Trump, his supporters and the anti-Trump folks became bitter. Trump supporters were hounded out of their jobs, harassed on the streets and attacked by the supporters of the left. Little of this was reported on CNN or the NY Times, so the general public knew little about. All this in spite of the fact that Trump supporters constitute about one half of the country. But, the main stream media and many members of congress called his supporters racists, ignorant and uneducated, even traitors and treasonous, and they should listen to their betters, i.e. the intellectuals about how to think. After all the halls of academia are filled with the brightest minds in the world. Of course those bright boys never held a real job, never had to build a thing, never ran a business and had no experience out in the real world. Academia is the most isolated group you can imagine.

From the beginning of the election cycle 2020 Trump said that the Democrat machine will try to steal the election. Given his history with the Dems and Washington who can blame him for thinking that. During the counting of the votes after the election there were numerous instances of ballot manipulation and other verifiable suspicious events. Mysterious ballots showing up, Republican monitors not allowed in the room while Democrats were. Dead people voting, no signature verification, counting unsigned ballots and on and on the process went. But, nothing happened that would stand the test of the legal system. Although suspicious things were clearly happening, there was no legal proof of fraud. So the courts threw the cases out and Dems rejoiced. They alleged that it is proven that there was no fraud. 

Trump, I think, really lost his mind at this point. He saw that the election results were not going to be reversed in spite of spending huge amount of money on lawyers and challenges in the courts. Cases he was never going to win. He started to make statements that are construed by the media and the Dems to be inflammatory and resulted in a raid on the capitol to halt the certification by congress of the election of Biden as President. Trump was mad. He was certain that the election had been stolen and he reacted like he always did when opposed. He lashed out. He could have played it cool and thought about 2024. But, now he has given the Democratic controlled congress an excuse to impeach him once again. If the impeachment stands in the Senate, a good chance it might, then he would be barred from ever running for office again. That doesn't mean he will retire quietly to his golf course and real estate. He will continue to have a large following, so it isn't clear what role he will play in the future.   

Facebook, Twitter, Amazon and the other social media have all taken steps to silence any voice from the right. Where this is going it isn't clear. Perhaps the courts or congress will step in and do something. We'll see. 

Yes we have deeply divided country.