It seems, according to the Democrats, that blacks are either too stupid, ignorant, or lazy to be able to obtain a valid ID of any kind. Whites, on the other hand, do it quite easily. Ergo, we have to change the election laws so that no valid ID is required to vote because a valid ID can only be obtained by non-blacks.
If that isn't a racist attitude, I guess I don't know what is. From what I have been able to glean from reading and from TV, it would seem that African-Americans are just as likely to have ID on their person as whites, in some areas, even more likely. After all you need a valid ID to do almost anything these days. You don't get a job, fly on a plane, cash a check, open a charge account or do many other things without one.
So Delta Airlines, Coca Cola and MLB all objected to the new Georgia lay that required an ID to vote. Let us contemplate. Both Delta and Coke have tight ties to China, which practices sever discrimination against Muslims and anyone else objecting to their brand of socialism. Delta and Coke are not objecting to that little fact. MLB moved it's All Star game to Denver, which has Voter ID requirements. The thing that MLB objected to.
Even the President jumped on the bandwagon of the left and pronounced that Georgia was closing the polls at 5:00 O'clock. He opined that the Georgia election laws were tantamount to Jim Crow acts. I don't know where he got his information, but Georgia polling places are open from 7:00 O'clock AM to 7:00 O'clock PM. And Georgia is only one of about 30 states that require voter ID.
All Georgia did was tried to assure that people who voted are indeed citizens and are legal to vote. The Dems don't like that. They want to be able to stuff ballot boxes, have illegals vote, vote dead people, people who have moved out of the state and generally make sure that the Dems won.
To further that end, they have introduced HR01which just about removes every chance the states have to assure that only legal residents vote. They control both houses of Congress, so if they want, they can push this bill through. As I remarked in an earlier Blog, I think we are possibly witnessing the death of the Republic.
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