If you believe that shutting down the production of oil and gas in the United States and driving the cost of gasoline and diesel to record highs, moving the country from a a position of energy independence and having to become a oil importer, is a good thing and:
If you believe that the pull out from Afghanistan was a well organized operation that left hundreds of Americans and thousands of Afghans that supported us, at the mercy of the Taliban,with American soldiers paying the ultimate price, and:
If you believe the borders of the United States should be open so that any body can come in, including the cartels, wanted criminals and the millions of doses of deadly drugs, is a desirable position and:
If you believe that the police are all racists and they should be defunded and social workers put in their place, while crime is on the rise, and:
If you believe that criminals should be released without bail so that they can continue to wreck havoc on the general public and:
If you believe that printing of over 5 trillions dollars and giving it to the public, regardless of means, resulting in massive inflation, where there are now more dollars in the hands of consumers than there are goods, proving once again that the law of supply and demand is true, was a smart thing, and:
If you believe that abortion should be legal up to the cutting of the umbilical cord after birth should be legal and encouraged, and:
If you believe that teaching young school children, below the 3th grade, about sex and about the validity of the group that takes up half the alphabet and any parent who objects, should be named a domestic terrorist and monitored by the FBI, and:
If you believe that election of Republicans in 2022 will be the end of democracy, in spite of our history that shows the country has undergone tremendous upheaval many times since our founding and democracy remains intact. Of course if you believe that without any evidence other than a failed attempt by a group that believed that the election in 2020 was stolen and decided to take a very ill advised action, and action which was doomed to failure from the start. That idea is being spouted with no idea how that could happen. The balance of power still exists and this Supreme Court has shown that it is very much in support of the constitution as it is written and not some interpretation favoring some ideology. The Roe versus Wade decision was a proof that they believed in the 10th amendment which clearly states that if a power is not given to the federal government then it reverts to the states. And:
If you believe that any opinion contrary to that of the government should not be allowed and should be banned on all the social media platforms. The contrary opinion of many medical experts about the actions on the Covid 19 outbreak taken by the government was ill advised as an example. That the government was able to get the social media platforms to squelch all papers showing data that did not support the government view as great. That the clear evidence that the virus originated in the Chinese lab, was man made, and somehow escaped, was denied by the government until lately and that idea was squelched was great. And:
If you believe that all the statues of the founding fathers of our country should be struck down because so many of them owned slaves or at least tolerated slavery or some other act that 21st century Americans found unacceptable. That we should no longer teach about the perilous position those people were in when they rebelled against a nation with the most powerful army in the world because that made them appear heroic, and:
If you believe that we should not recognize other significant people who were instrumental in the discovery, preservation and expansion of the Americas such as Washington, Jefferson, Columbus, Andrew Jackson, Pope, yes and even Lincoln, and:
If you believe that there was collusion with Russia to support Trump during the 2016 election and that the FBI did a bank up job in being neutral in the election cycle, in spite of the fact the the whole thing was made up by the Clinton campaign with the paper work generated by them and in collusion with key members of the FBI, who knew the papers were fake, but was used to get a warrant to spy on Trump and his campaign. And:
If you believed that it was Okay to suppress the information on the Hunter Biden laptop as Russian disinformation, in spite of the fact that the FBI knew that it was real and might, if released, influence the election in 2020 was a good thing. That the FBI informed social media that the whole thing was a false information and they should not post it was great. Then:
You must be a Democrat.
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