No matter how you look at it, the political left seems to be winning the battle over the hearts and minds of most of the voters, especially the young college graduates. They have captured the colleges, the entertainment business, most of the social media, the nerds at Silicon Valley, the whole education system and the main stream media, including all the major networks. I don't know a single large city, even in Red states, that are not deep blue. And, they often swing the general elections in favor of the left every two years.
The Republicans get to sit at the head of the table now and then, but they don't get to stay there long. A combination of infighting and poor organization results in a short life in that position. Look at the last time they owned all the seats, both houses of the congress and the White House. In two years the legislature did one thing, enacted a big tax cut, which did, in fact, stimulate the economy and, as a side effect, made the rich even richer. Every other move that was made was by executive order. They promised much and delivered little.
In those states, where the bulk of the population resides in the large cities, you can bet they will put a Dem into office, in-spite of policies that result in increased crime, high taxes, over regulation and have become a magnate for illegal aliens, among other things.
There was a time, not to long ago, when the center of the Democrat and Republican Parties where not that far apart. They did cooperate on many issues. It was that cooperation that led to the balanced budget during the Clinton years. But, those days are gone, probably forever.
The Democrats have moved far to the left. Their agenda can be encapsulated in a nutshell as being WOKE. They have pushed for and managed to gain seats on school boards, in the county district attorneys office and city hall in almost every major city. Major funding from people like George Soros have made that possible.
The Republicans, on the other hand, have moved to the right. They are embracing Populism, or American First, ideas. They have become the blue collar workers champion. The Republican Party, once the party of the more affluent, low taxes, business friendly and fiscal responsibility has become the party of the people who build our roads, who move our products, who build our buildings, who grow our food, who mine our minerals, who produce our oil and gas, who work in our factories, i.e the blue collar worker and small business owners. They are far more religious. They want a strong military and generally have the support of men and women in uniform, now or past. There is no longer a common ground from which to seek compromise between the two parties. They have entirely different agendas.
Why is that? Let's start with the colleges. The students go into college, in general, with no firm political position. While in college they are fed a constant stream about the evils of capitalism and glories of socialism and even communism. They drag up every sin, by 2023 standards, America ever committed and feed that to the students as if it is norm for this country. These ideas and that political philosophy is especially prevalent in the liberal arts schools of Political Science, Journalism, English, Creative Arts, like acting, Broadcast Journalism and all the newly created majors and minors like Black Studies. History is taught from the WOKE standpoint. If you ask what George Washington did, the answer would probably come back that he was a slave owner.
How much the Chinese government influences the major universities is hard to pin down. It is clear the huge sums of money are poured in universities, with donations through front organizations, and in research grants to individual professors. We do know that China secured 120 million dollars in contracts with US universities in 2021. The US government "discovered" $6.5 billion in previously unreported foreign donations to universities from primarily China and Russia in 2020. The PRC is the largest source of foreign donations to US universities since 2013. In addition, tuition paid by Chinese students is worth an estimated $12 billion per year. Chinese sources have participated in donations or contracts worth more than $426 million to US universities since 2011. Apparently Harvard and MIT both received huge amounts of money in one way or another from the Chinese. Something in the order of a billion dollars each.
Although the law requires reporting large donations from foreign countries, the schools routinely ignore the requirement.
One might conclude that the big universities don't want to anger the Chinese.
Even the STEM and business majors are subjected to this influence. After all, the degrees require courses in the liberal arts.
The law schools do not teach that the constitution is a contract between the people and the states with the federal government, but rather is nothing more than a guideline that should be interpreted to fit whatever political position the courts will wish.
The big cities are populated by several solid Democrat groups. The people who look to the government for hand outs (welfare precipitants), the liberal arts educated who work in the offices, first and second generation Hispanics, folks who work directly for local, state and federal governments (there is a lot of them).
They may not totally agree, or they may completely disagree, with the lefts position on a lot of things, but they check the boxes of the Democrat ticket every 2 years.
They have doing this for a long time, so the ideas and teachings have found their way into the workplace over the entire spectrum, especially the media and academia. The didn't need much help with the entertainment industry, it has been far left leaning for a long time, ever since the actors, producers, writers and directors who served in WWII left the industry.
They completely ignore the advancements that have been made in race relations over the last fifty years and paint white people as inherently bad, have significant advantages over other races, and exploit that advantage to suppress other races, especially blacks. This is from professors that have no real world experience. They never created anything. They never held a job that wasn't within the halls of academia. They completely ignore the failures and experiences in socialism that other countries have tried and failed miserably.
They will not hear the points of views that is contrary to their own. Supporters of the conservative view are not invited to speak at most large colleges, and if a Republican is invited by some group, like the Young Republics, they are shouted down and even had to endure violence. Even Bill Mayer, the classic liberal, has problems with the college crowd.
The term White Supremacy has been coined to shout down anyone who dares to question any of their pronouncements.
The graduates of these schools now populate the media, both print and broadcast, the entertainment field and the nerds in Silicon Valley.
The left wants to become the rulers of the country. After all, they know best what is right and will dispense equality, not of opportunity but of outcome. The left believes that if they were in charge, all the evils of the world would be addressed and resolved. Homelessness and poverty would be a thing of the past. The rich would pay their "fair" share to support the programs they prefer.
The Republicans have a big hill to climb. The registered Democrats outnumber them by a fair margin. The Democrats are much better funded and understand how to win elections better than the Republicans. They seek out and register every potential Democrat voter and get them registered. The work very hard in the legislatures to make registration and voting easier. They encourage the use of mail in voting and want it made as easy as possible and then they will "help" any voter with their ballot. They fight any restriction such as the requirement to show an ID or to verify that the signature on a mail-in ballot is authentic. They push for changes in registration laws so that a person can show at the polls and register to vote right then, without showing ID, or any proof of citizen. They are good at ballot harvesting, sometimes even legally. They have teams of people to make sure the registered Democrat voters vote. They work at this at every level. Your local school board, city council, prosecuting attorney, mayor and any elected state, county and county official are well supported by the DNC if they have the right political slant.
That is why you have prosecutors that don't prosecute, school boards that want to teach CRT to very young students, Mayors and city councils that put highly restrictive collars on the police and reducing police budgets. The declare their cities or states as sanctuary for illegal immigrants and refuse to cooperate with ICE to notify them when illegals are jailed or released. The homeless littering the streets don't bother them, even though they give lip service to doing something for the them. They are first in slamming police anytime there is a shooting of a black man by a police officer, no matter the circumstances. The list goes on. We have selective prosecution of rioters who burn stores during "peaceful demonstrations", they are not prosecuted, not even arrested. Almost legalized shop lifting is common, and the store worker prosecuted if they try to interfere. And, the list goes on.
And the citizens of the big cities just pulling the Democrat lever.
So I ask you? Who is winning this race?
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